Saturday, October 18, 2014

Holy of holies 10-4-13

Holy of Holies

I was walking down a small road, it was a dirt road but the dirt wasn't brown it was white. There was lush green grass on both sides of this small dirt road. I was barefoot and wearing a long white robe that went down to the tops of my feet. My hair was long past my shoulders to my mid upper back, and I was 7 in this encounter. Jesus appeared next to mean the road. He was also barefoot and wearing a long white road down to the tops of his feet. He took my hand and we walked this road together a little ways without saying anything. Then I saw in the distance a massive building, the closer we got I realized that the building was a temple. I saw there where 12 steps to the top landing which would be the 13th step. Outside this massive temple I saw on both sides of the road a crowd of people as far as the eye could see. The two crowds where maybe a block from the white dirt road we where walking. There was a short stone wall between them and the road. They were all wearing long blue robes with their arms raised to the sky. They were all worshiping, each sang their own song but together it sounded like one. There was also a small "hmmm" that echoed deep inside me as listened to them sing. I looked around and noticed Jesus and I where the only ones on this white dirt road, and the only ones wearing white robes. As we got close to the bottom of the steps I noticed there was no one on the steps leading up to the temple doors, nor anyone on the landing by the door. Jesus and I walked up the steps together still holding hands. When we got to the top we stood before a door that was as tall as a 5 story building. I took a step back because the presence of God was so overwhelming. On the door was a carving of a winged animal I had never seen before. It had a face with 3 eyes and a lion type mane surrounding its head. The wings on its back spread out on the door.  The creature had a mouth full of sharp teeth and two legs in the front with fur on them like lion paws that rested on the ledge where there was writing in the middle of the door. The back half of the body was like a fish tail. There was a carving of a cloud and rainbow behind this creature. The writing in the middle of the two door was יהוה or Yahweh. Jesus reached out and touched the 5 story door with his right hand, and without pushing it at all the door opened. I stood amazed and shocked at what happened. Jesus then motioned for me to go in to the temple. He walked in and I followed him. As I walked in I ran my fingers over the carvings on the door. There where words I couldn't read and ripples that looked like waves. The carving on the door felt like a metal, but I didn't know what kind of metal. The color was like a mix between gold and bronze and was warm to the touch. When I got inside the door closed on its own behind me. I was so overwhelmed with this massive room that never seemed to have an end to it. The ceiling so high I couldn't see it. Jesus stopped in front of a maroon rug that ran from his feet to this landing with three steps a ways out from where we were. On each side of the steps was a massive column. There where column along the edge of the rug all the way to the lading where the ark was. The columns where as wide as a semi truck with its trailer. And reaching so far above you could not see the top.  On the landing was the ark of God. There was an almost blinding white light that sat just above it in the middle. The light made it hard to see any real detail on it. At least from where I was standing it looked like the only light that lit up this room. And the farther from the Ark the light appeared to glow a yellow. There where no shadows in this room and no place of darkness. There was light everywhere. I took a moment then stepped up next to Jesus. He looked down at me and smiled. Then he motioned for me to go farther in to this temple. I didn't step on to the rug yet, instead I walked over to the column closes to me. I put my hand on the column and looked up, I then leaned up against it and wrapped my arms around what I could like I was hugging it. I looked up again at this endless ceiling. I then felt my spirit move and dance with in me. I looked over at the maroon carpet then to where it lead. I walked over and stepped on to the rug and followed it. I saw part way down, maybe half way to the front 3 people. They where friends of mine. The first two a married couple, they where kneeling so close to each other that they where touching. They had their arms raised like they where worshiping. Then a few feet back was my other friend. He also had his hands raised and was worshiping. I noted that they where also wearing white robes like I was. I looked around and saw only a handful of people throughout the temple wearing white robes and worshiping, but they where not on the maroon rug. I looked at the ark and began to move closer. I only made it a few feet before the presence and heaviness of God in the room drove me to my knees. My whole body was over taken by this heavy, peaceful presence. I was a good 12 or 13 feet behind my one friend in the back. I was so over taken I just closed my eyes and began to worship in the spirit. After a while I opened my eyes and looked at the ark, I wanted to be closer. I tried to stand but could not. So I began to slowly crawl through the weight of his glory. I passed my friend in the back and tried to stand but still could not. I continued to slowly crawl to the ark. When I made it past my two friends who where side by side I fought hard to get to my feet. Slowly I was able to stand, my friends where now behind me and all I could see out before me a ways was the ark. I fought to take those first two steps because his presence was still so overwhelming. After the second step the presence be came lighter and I could feel the light from the ark it was loving, tender and welcoming. The closer I got it became harder to see, the light from the ark was so bright. I had to shield my sight with my arm. When I got to the bottom one the 3 steps the light above the ark disappeared. I slowly walked up each step and stood on the third step which was not the platform. I nervously reached out and ran my fingers over the wings of the creatures on the ark. I could feel the texture and the cool of the metal. From where I was standing I could only see the tops of there heads because the wings covered all but the tips of their toes. It looked like they where kneeling with maybe their heads bowed. I again ran my fingers over the wings 3 more times. The I sat down on the platform next to the ark, it was close to the edge. I looked at it as I sat there when I was overwhelmed with so much love and tenderness I began to cry. I leaned the left side of my body and face against the ark, when I closed my eyes I felt like I was cheek to cheek with God. The tears still flowed and I heard God say "you can come freely". I stood up and ran my fingers over the wings of these creatures 5 more times and then sat back down leaned up against the ark. I closed my eyes and placed my right hand on the side of the ark. I felt safe there, in that moment. Then I saw in my minds eye my hand go through the side of the ark. I saw in the middle of the ark was this weight light. It was in the shape of a ball floating inside the box. I reached my hand towards it and touched it. When I touched it every fiber of my being hummed with an overwhelming love and my spirit began to dance inside me. I then heard God say "You have touched my heart." The temple shook and rumbled, then it all faded away. 

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