Friday, July 21, 2017

Small pieces 2015

Small pieces 2015

I am 7yrs old in this encounter and I found my self laying on my stomach on a cold dirty floor. The floor was made of old decaying wood. I laid there a few moments looking around the dark room,I slowly sat up and brushed the dirt off my cheek. I was so cold and afraid, I turned and looked behind me trying to make out where I was. I saw there was a window that had a small bit of light coming through. It was just enough to see a little more then dark shadows. The window sill paint was old and chipping, the blue faded with its age. The window almost looked like an old farm house window where the wooden cross beams hold in the panes. I noticed a doorway just off to the left of the window. It was wide open, I couldn’t see through the doorway because it was too dark in the room. I tried to move but my left ankle was shackled with a large chain attached to it. I pulled and pulled to find it was bolted to the floor. The the chain was heavy and hard to pick up. The links where 4-5inches thick. I tried to move my leg but the weight of the chain was too heavy. I laid on my back and starred at what I could see of the ceiling. As I laid there I began to feel the cold creep over me, and I shivered. Tears slowly began to stream down onto the floor.  I whispered in to the darkness, “Why aren't you here with me?” I let out a big sigh and closed my eyes,  I didn't even try to move because I had no motivation too. I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the window where a small amount of light shown through, just the look of the light seemed warm, but it was out of my reach. I heard shuffling in the hall, but it didn’t matter to me, I closed my eyes as tears just streamed. After a few moments I opened them and saw a bright light slowly begin to fill the the hallway. The light appeared to be moving closer to the doorway. I waited to see who it was, that's when the Spirit of God stepped into the room. His soft glow added more light to the room. I saw framed pictures on the wall that where distorted images of me. I slowly looked at his face, it was full of love. My mind raced with questions of why?He knelt down and brushed his hand across my cheek, and it was warm. Where I laid crying small puddles of my tears had formed. He put his hand over each pool next to my head, when he turned his hand over I saw the tears where in his hand. I sat up, “What are you doing?” He smiled and held out his other hand, I saw a clear glass jar appear.  When it did a guardian angel appeared behind him. These Angels have two sets of wings and when they kneel one set covers the top the other covers the bottom. They can be 14-20 feet tall. Some are even greater then that in size. This angel stretched out his large wings and wrapped them around us. The Spirit then poured the tears into the glass jar. The Spirit turned and handed it to the angel who held it with one hand on top and the other on the bottom. The Angels eyes were like clear glass, but it had a a deep blue color, they were pretty unforgettable. The Spirit spoke and said "What has happened to you, child it’s not your fault". I was overcome by his words, they seemed like an echo in my being screaming validation, but at the same time felt like a slap in the face. I a tear ran down my cheek but before it hit the floor the tear disappeared. The Spirit looked up at the jar then back at me. He said "There are times child when we need to take responsibility for our actions, and there are times when the fault does not lie with you, abuse is one of those times. I know you want to fix things and make it right, but child, sometimes you can't because it's not your place to make it right. Don't stretch yourself out and become the scapegoat for someone else's wrongs." He kissed my head and the shackle around my ankle fell off. The dirt that was attached to me fell to the floor, and I was clean. “If I didn’t cause it, then why did it happen?” He helped me stand and pulled me close and hugged me tight. “I know it hurts, but I am here to comfort you, to help you have the strength to walk through it. I began to glow with bright white light. My dress even changed and turned into a beautiful dress with embroidery. "Child, it's okay to feel hurt...but don't let it crush you like this. Remember I am always here, always near." I studied his eye’s “Always?” He smiled and shook his head yes. I tried to fight back the tears, but they fell anyway. As each one fell a tear fell they appeared in the jar. The Spirit looked up at the jar with the tears in it.  "Child, when's  glass falls to the ground and breaks isn't it easier to use a broom and dust pan to pick up the pieces rather then by doing it by hand?" I shook my head yes. He touched my face and said “When your broken like this, when everything shatters, remember the broom and dustpan have to work together, one or the other cannot do it alone.” The Spirit picked me up off the floor and said "Sometimes it takes time for things to be fixed. Let me do the work to bring the two together....focus on the Son."I wrapped my arms around his neck. The Spirit looked to the angel then to the door and walked out the door with the angel following

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