Tuesday, July 18, 2017

My Love 2015

My Love 2015

I walked into the first room of the castle in heaven. The whole room still lit by the room filled with light before me. I slowly walked over to the stairs on my left and sat on the second step, right behind the small column on the end of banister. My yellow dress covered my knee’s as I drew them up a step and leaned forward on my elbows. I looked down at my bare feet, and began wiggling them as I sat there in thought. I am 7 years old in this encounter. I studied almost every inch of the massive room. I then turned my attentions towards the room with light, when I did I became overwhelmed with emotion. I began to cry so hard it became hard to breathe. I heard a noise and saw the Spirit walk out of the light into the room. He looked at me a bit concerned. He began to speak but I had no idea what he was saying, the room shook and I heard a loud sound like thunder roll through the room. Then I heard I AM’s voice calling out to me in a whisper, "Sweet child why are you so upset?" I wiped the tears from my face, "You can't love me, no one can." I then pulled buried my face into my hands and sobbed. I AM sat on the step with me. He touched my hair and slowly stroked it. I lifted my head and looked into his eye’s. I AM lifted my head "Who told you this?" The tears just poured down my face, "I am too broken to love. Some think I should be healed by now." I put my face in my hands and whispered "I'm not worth it." "I AM moved closer to me. He reached around me and pulled me into his lap, He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight, "It’s no ones business how fast or slow you are healing. It's my job to take care of that. Just because a few people expect more right now then you can give doesn't make you broken or unlovable. Child, even if you never changed I would still love you." He kissed my head and held me a bit tighter. "I promise, when you really learn how loved you are and how much grace you have you will begin to heal. Listen to my words of truth. Let me fight off the lies with my love. Only my love will remove all the fear, pain, and darkness. It will take time but I will be with you every step of the way. You have never been alone." I AM motioned for me to stand. We both stood up, he reached down and picked me up. I wrapped my arms tight around his neck and rested my head on my arm. "Child, you fear you are not lovable, but have peace child I love you, and I've got you." Then he walked down the few steps to the door with light coming from it.  The Spirit appeared before the door and smiled. I kissed my cheek and turned to walk with us inout his hand on my shoulder and he smiled. Then they walked me into the light.  

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