Friday, August 12, 2016

The Door

The Door

I found myself standing in a long hallway. I was 10 years old in this encounter and was wearing a white dress with a yellow sash. I began to feel the cold cement under my feet I was uncomfortable and I didn't like it. I took my right foot and rubbed the bottom of it on my left leg trying to warm it up a bit. I then felt a hand on my shoulder It was Jesus, his face was filled with white light and the only thing I could focus on was his eye's. The seemed to touch the deepest part of my being, even to my spirit. It felt like cool waters running through me, and more peace and calm then I could ever understand. He pointed to the hall, smiled and said "Come with me."
He took my hand as we walked this long hall, I saw all kinds of rooms some where clean and bright light showed the through the Windows. Other rooms had papers and such scattered about and the Windows where slightly dirty. Each room was vastly different from the other. After a while we came to a and old wooden door, it looked like it was made out of old railroad ties. It had a log chain crisscrossed in front of it with a big lock. There was an old maroon tattered rug in front of the door. Jesus bent down, rolled it up and set it aside. I looked at him confused, what was he doing? Jesus looked at me and stepped aside "go ahead child, open it." I looked at the chain and lock on the door then back to him, "Open it? With what?" The Spirit appeared next to me smiling. He motioned for me to come closer to the door and he pointed to the lock. Jesus smiled and said "Child you are the key to this room." I looked at the Spirit and he nodded in agreement with him. I looked at my hands a moment then to the door. I reached out and touched the lock with just the tips of my fingers and the log chain and lock hit the floor. I stepped back, caught off guard by what just happened. The Spirit began to dance a bit and picked up the heavy chains and lock like it weighed nothing and he began dancing down the hallway with it and singing before he disappeared. Jesus was laughing a bit as he watched the Spirit make his way down the hall. Then he turned to me with a big smile and said "Only you can open this door." I reached out and took hold of the ring on the door and I pulled and pulled to open it. The hinges where rusted and it squeaked and moaned as it slowly pushed it open. When we got that door open we saw another new door it was painted a light blue. Jesus chuckled "Wow, you really didn't want me to come here, did you?" He said with a smile "now open that one." I opened the second door and we both walked into the room. There was garbage, paper and boxes over flowing with things all over the room. Some places the boxes where stacked so high they almost touched the ceiling.  The three Windows on the far wall where painted over blocking the light from coming into this room. There where a few missed spots though and you could kinda see very small bits of light. Jesus made his way around the boxes and mess in this room. It was so packed it was hard to walk through. When he got to the other side he looked around the room and said "I see you have had difficulty trying to manage this all on your own. There is so much you have tried to keep from me and others. Child your not alone in this, and you don't have to try to manage it that way either." He looked around the room some more and I asked "What, what was that rug for? Why was it so worn?" He walked over to a pile about waist high he leaned over and put both hands on it and said "The rug was where I stood waiting for you to allow me to come in." He looked around the room and back to me with a smile "It's been a while too." He picked up the smallest box in the room and said "Lets start here." He made his way out of the room with the box and I followed. When we walked out I turned and looked back into the room. I knew what was there and why I had been hiding it. It felt scary to hand it off and I felt vulnerable, but I knew it was time. 

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