Friday, November 11, 2016

Mighty Grace2014

God Encounter 2014

Mighty Grace

I found myself standing in the back of the temple facing the ark. I felt almost hidden in the dim light. I was 13 yrs old in this encounter a beautiful white embroidered dress that went down to just above my ankles. My hair was pulled back on the sides and I had baby's breath tucked into the tie in the back. 

I saw I AM standing in the front, just before the bottom step leading up to the ark. He had his hands behind his back. I began to hear what sounded like a humming noise. It was soft but it resonated with in me. I watched as he turned around and looked at me. When he saw me he smiled and reached out with both hands motioning me to come to him. I slowly made my way to the maroon rug and stopped at the edge. I saw the white/clear flame on the ark rise and expand in a way I had not seen. I was 3 stories tall and just as wide, almost consuming the space with its flame. The flame danced and moved like it was breathing. I AM didn't even seem to be phased by it. Where i stood the light had been dim but as the flame grew so did the light it put out. The light around me was so bright I could have been standing next to the ark. I hesitated to step forward, I was feeling so much shame and condemnation inside. I then saw the flame start to spread out, it looked like little ribbons of flame. There where two one on each side of I AM. They quickly made their way to me, I stepped back unsure what was happening. The flames wrapped around me and surrounded me from my feet to well above my head. I expected the flame to be hot or warm, but it wasn't either, neither was it just was. It began to calm the fear inside, the condemnation and shame fell away as I felt so much peace. The flames danced around me as I stepped out in the courage it had helped me gather and i walked with confidence to I AM. When I got to him the flames left me and wrapped around the room, bringing light to all the dimly lit places till the room was full of light and a sense of calm filled the place. I AM spoke my name drawing my attention to him. He placed his hands on my shoulders and said with such passion "My Grace covers all." I looked around and all I could see was the white flame had consumed every place, It was like being in a thick fog where all you can see is whats just feet from you, nothing else. I looked behind him even the ark was consumed by the flame. I AM pulled me close, wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. I rested my head on his chest and just watched the flame that had surrounded us dance, move, and breathe

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