Saturday, September 30, 2017

Snowflake 2015

Snowflake 2015

In this encounter I am about 7 yrs old. I am wearing a white dress with long sleeves. It was a thick, heavy dress that went down to just above my feet. The dress has beautiful embroidery on the bottom edge and the ends of the sleeves.  I am standing in the doorway to the garden in the new temple. As I looked out over the garden I saw a light layer of snow on the ground. I stepped out onto the patio and I look down at my bare feet. The first thing I realized was the snow wasn't cold on my feet. I looked up and I saw on large snowflake falling from the sky. I put out my hand and the snowflake landed in the middle of my hand, but it didn't melt. I studied the snowflake for a few moments, then I felt his presence. I turned to see I AM, I smiled then looked down at the snowflake still in awe it had not melted. I AM asked, "What have you got there child?" I turned around and walked over to him. He was wearing a thicker white robe it had a V-shaped neck line. It was a magnificent robe. I showed him the snowflake and he knelt down to look at it with me. He said "This one snowflake I know quite well." I looked at him and said "you do?" he chuckled , "Yes I do. I know every line, every curve, nothing about it escapes my notice, and this snowflake is unique in every way." He pointed to the snow and said "I know everyone of them, every line, every curve...every story. Each is unique in every way." I asked "Papa, how do you know?"  He touched my face and said " I know because each one is important to me. Each one sings a different song....and only that one can sing it's song. There will never be another like it." I looked at him and said "but they are just snow flakes." He smiled and said "but they are MY snowflakes" He stood up and said "Come with me Child...I have something to show you.' We walked back into the new temple, down the hallway past the 3 thrones to the doorway that leads into heaven. I saw the clear path that looks like glass but is not. We walked hand in hand down the path to the city behind the great white wall. We crossed the bridge that was red and into the castle. When we got to the door of the castle he motioned for me to step through first and he followed me stoping just inside the doorway. I saw the mighty stairs on both my right and left leading to the second floor. I saw the bright white light coming from the room in front of us. The light was so bright it was hard to look at. I AM looked at me and smiled, then he took my hand and we walked into the light. I had to cover my eyes with my arm because it was so bright. The light faded behind us and we were in the massive room where the long table sat. It was filled full of people laughing and talking. Some where singing others eating. The table was full of food of all kinds, some I did not recognize. We walked to the other end of this room and I saw Jesus sitting at the head of the table laughing with people. I saw the empty chair by his side and I looked up at I AM, and asked "is why is there no one in that chair?" he looked down at me, smiled said softly "That seat is for you, There will always be a chair here for you." Jesus looked over at us and he stood he raised his glass and everyone became quiet, they all then raised their glasses and Jesus said "bring on the laughter and bring on the joy!" I heard a man half way down the table from Jesus stand and yell  "and bring on the new wine! Let us remember! Bring on the bread of life! Let us remember His sacrifice! Let us drink from the springs of life!"  A women then stood and shouted with excitement "let us be full of life and your unending love!" A child then stood yelled, " Yes, yes! What are we waiting for? Let us dance and celebrate!" The child jumped off the bench and grabbed the hand of the girl sitting next to him and they began dancing. Everyone stood and left the table and began to dance around the room. Some still holding their glasses and some food. They where laughing and having a great time. Music full of life began to fill the room. Jesus began to laugh and clap his hands at the sight of what they where doing. I looked up at I AM and asked "Papa, where is the music coming from?" He looked at me with love and knelt down to meet my eyes. He put his finger to my chest and said "Each one I know, every line, every curve...every story. Each one is unique in every way and each one has their own song to sing. The song is unique and only that one person can sing it. When they come together they make a song that reaches beyond the heavens. The song is beautiful and full of life, each one contributes to this song, and I hear each one and I hear them all together as one." He stood up  and said "Go child, dance and free." Jesus looked over at me and shouted over the song "Come, come and join us!" I looked up at I AM and he whispered "Go!" SO I ran to the group and I began to dance and twirl. I then began to hear my song. I stopped and looked up, I saw The Spirit dancing in the middle around him was a bright white light. He touched those close by and the light spread and they all started laughing. The Spirit made his way over to me and said "You stopped....come and dance with me!" we danced, laughed and the sound of so many different songs sounded like one perfect song. They danced and sang and it didn't seem like anyone grew tired or winded from singing. It was an amazing sight to see. 

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